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Helping great ideas become great products through licensing.

The MOI Process

The MOI Process

To insure that your product/idea receives full consideration, we analyze it using a rigorous process. The MOI process starts with a questionnaire. Your answers are evaluated and a determination of product viability is provided before moving forward. This first step is key to making any progress with your product/idea.

Unfortunately, most ideas fail the initial product viability analysis. To successfully pass the criteria for product viability and move on, you must meet the very high standards of the markets, manufacturers, or corporations who are buying new product ideas.

The questionnaire benefits those who fail because it keeps them from wasting money on an idea that has no chance of commercial success. There’s no need for patents, attorneys or product mock-ups if an idea fails the questionnaire and has little or no market potential.

MOI is NOT in the business of filing patent applications, we are not lawyers, and we are not industrial designers looking to make money from ideas that will never make it to the market. We ARE experts in product development and commercialization and we have experience and contacts within the companies that are looking for products and ideas with potential to be mass marketed. We are interested in partnering with inventors who need truthful evaluation, contacts in mass marketing and those who need an experienced team to lead the way from ideas to market.

1. Questionnaire

Fill out the commercialization questionnaire completely. This information is submitted confidentially and it is important that you provide as much information as possible.

2. Evaluation of Product/Idea

After the questionnaire is received, MOI evaluates the submitted idea information to determine if there is strong commercial potential. We accomplish this through a rigorous analysis of your idea; cross checking with an existing database of new products companies are currently seeking, as well as through our own personal contacts at public and private companies. Our list of contact companies includes Abbott Laboratories, Bayer, Roche Diagnostics, Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Procter & Gamble, Kimberly Clark, Microsoft, Nike, Reebok and Adidas just to name a few.

Market Evaluation and Review
We evaluate the commercial potential of the idea (invention) and determine opportunities that may or may not exist relative to identifying the position of other competing products.
Technology Assessment
We evaluate the commercial potential of the product/idea/invention from a technical perspective and identify companies for potential partnership (license, sale).
Patent Potential
MOI does an initial patent search to determine if there is a high likelihood of obtaining a meaningful patent. This search is done even if the inventor has filed a patent application, or a patent has been issued.

3. Assessment

We notify you of our results, generally, three to four weeks after receiving your product idea questionnaire.

If we think that there is strong potential for successful commercialization, we want to help you succeed. MOI will offer to negotiate with you to assist you to license and /or sell your product idea on a contingent basis. MOI will assume the expense of filing a patent application and /or producing a prototype for presentation purposes. We will assist you in managing the process so that you can become as successful as possible.If we do not think that there is a high degree of potential success we tell you why. It may be that an existing product precludes your chance of success; meaningful patent protection may be difficult or impossible to obtain; there is a small or non-existent market; the potential manufacturing costs are too high or some other reason.
4. When a Product/Idea is Deemed to have Potential

MOI is looking for passionate people with new product ideas or significant ideas for existing products. We want to partner with you if your product idea meets MOI’s criteria. In instances in which MOI believes there is an extremely high probability of success, MOI will assume all of the cost of development, patent prosecution, etc. through licensing/sale efforts for the new product. We do this on a contingency basis, meaning that we negotiate with you to acquire a percentage of the license and royalty or sale proceeds in return for our providing for our assistance. Typically, we request 10-40% of royalties and license fees depending upon how much money and effort MOI expends on commercializing your idea. This of course means you, the inventor, retain 60-90% of all license and royalty fees.

5. Meeting Your Expectations

Licensing a new product idea or invention is a time consuming process. It is not accomplished overnight. A successful license agreement can take several months to more than a year. And that is assuming that there is a significant and substantial market for the new invention, a patent application is filed or issued, working prototypes are available and there is a strong commercial interest in the new invention. When there is more than one company interested in a license, the process can move more quickly.

Because MOI is expending considerable resources and is aligned with the inventor, there is strong incentive to work as hard as possible to achieve a successful license agreement.



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