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MOI Questionnaire

1. What is the title of your idea (or invention)?

2. If your invention were to be commercialized, as a product where is it to be used- home, work, professional setting (be as specific as possible).

3. In what general market do you think this idea would be used? Health, fitness, wellness, and/or medical markets?

4. Who will use the invention? Examples: consumer, professional?

5. What is the problem or opportunity that the invention addresses?

6. How would you describe the idea/invention?

7. What is the main purpose of the invention? What is its value?

8. What are the step-by-step instructions for use of your invention?

9. Will this idea/invention replace an existing product in the marketplace? What will it be replacing?

10. If this idea is an improvement over an existing product, what are the advantages of your idea over existing products in the marketplace? Are the advantages unique? If so, how?

11. What is new about this idea/invention?

12. Do you have an estimate for the manufacturing cost of your idea/invention?

13. Do you have an estimate of the market potential for this product? Units per year? Does your market estimate include just the US, or also include foreign markets?

14. Have you done any market tests to determine if this idea/invention would sell?
Yes     No

If you answered "yes" to question 14, can you provide details of the results?

15. What is the patent status?
I have completed a patent search
I have determined patentability
I have applied for a patent
A patent has been issued

If you selected either of the first two options in question 15, can you provide details of the results?

16. If a patent has been issued, please provide the patent number.

17. If you have applied for a patent, can you provide the patent application number?

18. What is the status of development, if any?
Idea only
Design completed
Working model

If you answered "Other" above, please describe.

19. We’ll contact you if you answer yes to either of the next 2 questions and if we feel we need to see the product to make our evaluation:

Can you provide a sketch, drawing, or picture of the idea/invention?
Yes     No

Can you provide a design, working model, prototype for evaluation?
Yes     No

20. Is there any other information that you would like to provide to us for our evaluation?

21. Have you shown this idea to others (companies, individuals)? What was the outcome?

22. What is your expectation of an ultimate business relationship?
License of your invention
Sale of your invention

If you answered "Other" above, please describe.




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